Core Values

Our Core Values are the beliefs that shape our decisions and our actions as a company, as a team or as individuals. They are hierarchical, meaning the first is most important and if there is ever a conflict between them, they should be ranked from top to bottom. At Chick-fil-A of Temecula we want to uphold our Company’s Core Values at all times during operations, with every customer transaction, and with every team member in which we have contact.

Positive Attitude

Our work atmosphere should always be a positive one. Offering a simple smile, and an encouraging word will go a long way to creating a business where people will come to eat, work, and enjoy serving others.


Open, honest, and transparent dialogue up and down the organization demonstrates we expect to be held accountable and we will hold those around us accountable. We will praise publicly and punish in private whenever able. When we are transparent and show those around us honor, dignity and respect we create a healthy environment to grow.


We have structured our business into roles for a reason. The business runs well when each team member follows the role that has been defined for them. It runs even better when Team Members step in to help and support each other during tough spots. We want to encourage our employees to act as a team.

Continuous Growth

Chick-fil-A is a place where people can grow. We want to provide an atmosphere where we are all constantly striving to improve as servants and professionals. We will build systems and process to ensure our Team has access to growth.