Roadmap to Growth

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Growth Pipeline

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Perceived Growth and Perceived Progress are two of the employee promises that are cornerstones of our “Culture Trinity”. Our roadmap to growth is a checklist that allows employees to take initiative in their own advancement within the business. Each level of growth requires new competencies and additional responsibilities. Each level also has a higher pay range.
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Please Note:

Completion of a checklist does not automatically result in promotion.

Application for listed positions require an open position and leadership support. Please contact Tim, President of the Leadership Team, to discuss current available positions.

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Double red arrows facing down
New Hire ⇨ Team Member

Team Member Job Description

  • Complete FOH or BOH training checklist (Completed on Trello)

  • Complete Pathway with Certified Trainer

  • Pass Certification Skill Assessment with Certified Trainer

  • Attend “The Culture Trinity” class with Jim

Double red arrows facing down
 Team Member ⇨ Advanced Team Member

Advanced Team Member Job Description

  • Complete Expression of Interest

  • Have schedule availability for requested certification

  • Training shift scheduled with a Certified Trainer

  • Complete Certification training checklist (on Trello)

 Team Member ⇨ Marketing & Catering Assistant

Marketing & Catering Assistant Job Description

Two red downward arrows Divider
Advanced Team Member ⇨ Certified Trainer
 Marketing & Catering Assistant ⇨ Marketing & Catering Captain

Certified Trainer Job Description

  • Complete Certified Trainer Expression of Interest

  • Attend a Train the Trainer class

  • Complete Train the Trainer syllabus

Marketing & Catering Captain Job Description

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 Certified Trainer / Marketing & Catering Captain ⇨ Team Leader

Team Leader Job Description

  • Complete Expression of Interest

  • Certifications in all positions within their area

  • 1.5 to 2 year commitment to the business

  • Availability of at least three day-parts per week

  • Recommendations from two Vice Presidents (Contact via Slack)

  • Complete Temecula Leadership School (TLS) (Contact Tim via Slack)

  • Complete Manager’s Sexual Harassment Training

Two red downward arrows Divider
Team Leader ⇨ Team Leader 101

team leader 101 job description

  • Complete Expression of Interest

  • Complete 101 level Coursework (contact Tim via Slack)

  • Read and discuss “Setting the Table” by Danny Meyers (book available on Amazon, you will be reimbursed.)

Double red arrows pointing down
Team Leader 101 ⇨ Team Leader 201

Team Leader 201 Job Description

  • Complete Expression of Interest

  • Complete 201 Level coursework (contact Tim via Slack)

  • Read and discuss “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team ” by Patrick Lencioni (book available on Amazon, you will be reimbursed.)

Double red arrows pointing down
Team Leader 201 ⇨ Advanced Team Leader 301

Advanced Team Leader 301 Job Description

  • Must become a Team Leader in both FOH and BOH

  • Complete Expression of Interest

  • Complete 301 Level coursework (contact Tim via Slack)

  • Read and discuss “The Dream Manager ” by Mathew Kelly (book available on Amazon you will be reimbursed.)

Double red arrows pointing down
Advanced Team Leader 301 ⇨ Advanced Team Leader 401

Advanced Team Member 401 Job Description

Red arrows facing down
Advanced Team Leader 401 ⇨ Vice President

Vice President Job Description

  • Complete Application

  • Commit to a minimum of 2.5 – 3 years to the business

  • Commit to the business to work 5 shifts a week

  • Complete a meeting with each Vice President to comprehend and commit to what is needed for the Vice President to be successful

  • Two Letters of Recommendation from current Vice Presidents

  • Demonstrate the ability to lead self, serve others, and lead others in all areas of O.S., 2MS, and EC utilizing CFA Temecula’s Core Traits of a Leader

  • Demonstrate the ability to comprehend and effectively coach in the areas of CEM Goals, Labor Cost, Food Cost, Productivity, Communicating Effectively, Developing Others, and Goal Setting

  • Complete the Advanced Team Leader 100 – 400 Development